Imagine a business that runs without you. Make it happen.
01. To-do list getting out of control?
02. Deadlines creeping up?
03. No more space for new clients?
A Definitive guide to getting 10 hours back a week in 30 days
We aren’t going to promise you the world, but we promise if you follow this step by step guide with our expert team to guide you. Within 30 days you will have 10 hours back a week.
Educate Model
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We Provide Best Virtual Assistant Services
- Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit aui
- Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit aui
- Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit aui
Leverage other
skill sets
Don’t spend your time on tasks that sit outside your skill set. This can lead to frustration, low quality and BIG procrastination
With a correctly placed offshore team, you can take on so many more clients. I don’t have to tell you that more clients = $$$$
Enjoy the freedom to focus on areas of your business and life that have been neglected. Get back to the gym, finally take your dog for a walk, build you marking plan for the next quarter.
Low Cost,
More Margin
With an offshore team, you can allocate more funds to other areas of the business. That extra cash could be for marketing, more people, better systems or just to pay yourself a bit more. You deserve it 😉
Additional Educate
Our Process Biz Deep Dive to 10 hours free
Find The Ultimate Virtual Assistant for Your Business
Personal Story
My parents started a small business when I was young. That caused them to get a divorce about 15 years later. I have grown up around business and know the hard times that it can bring individuals and families when there isn’t the right support in place.
This is why VA World exists. To give businesses and business owners the support they need to grow and still live a happy life.
I cut my teeth in sales and learnt the family business early on. I have always started with the end in mind and that has brought me to realise that at my eulogy, I want people to say “Clay helped me make massive change in my life”. “My life is better from the actions that Clay helped me take/make”
Frequently Asked Questions
You can outsource almost anything to a Virtual Assistant as long as you’re clear with what, when and how you want things done (we can help you with that!). Here are examples of what our Virtual Assistants can do. Our clients will usually hire a Virtual Assistant experienced in many areas, such as Admin, Customer Support and Social Media.
You can outsource almost anything to a Virtual Assistant as long as you’re clear with what, when and how you want things done (we can help you with that!). Here are examples of what our Virtual Assistants can do. Our clients will usually hire a Virtual Assistant experienced in many areas, such as Admin, Customer Support and Social Media.
You can outsource almost anything to a Virtual Assistant as long as you’re clear with what, when and how you want things done (we can help you with that!). Here are examples of what our Virtual Assistants can do. Our clients will usually hire a Virtual Assistant experienced in many areas, such as Admin, Customer Support and Social Media.
Free Resources
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How Instant VA Can Help You to Grow Your Business
What Our Clients are Saying
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor tortor turpis, vel semper massa hendrerit eu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor tortor turpis, vel semper massa hendrerit eu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor tortor turpis, vel semper massa hendrerit eu.
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